Scenario: normal monster Feature "Battle a monster" in ./spec/features/battle.feature at 0.002507 sec
Given there is a monster
When I attack it
Then it should die
And Fanfare
Scenario: strong monster Feature "Battle a monster" in ./spec/features/battle.feature at 0.000933 sec
Given there is a strong monster
When I attack it
Then it should die
expected: <= 0
     got:    1
  1. ./spec/steps/steps.rb:21:in `block in <top (required)>'
  2. /Users/gongo/turnip_formatter/lib/turnip_formatter/ext/turnip/rspec.rb:12:in `run_step'
  3. ./spec/features/battle.feature:16:in `block (6 levels) in run'
  4. ./spec/features/battle.feature:15:in `each'
  5. ./spec/features/battle.feature:15:in `with_index'
  6. ./spec/features/battle.feature:15:in `block (5 levels) in run'
  7. ./spec/features/battle.feature:16:in step:2 `it should die'
20step "it should die" do
21  expect(@monster).to be <= 0
24# gem install syntax to get syntax highlighting
And Fanfare
Scenario: spell magic Feature "Battle a monster" in ./spec/features/battle.feature at 0.000586 sec
Given there is a strong monster
When I cast a spell 'fireball'
No such step(1): 'I cast a spell 'fireball''
  1. /Users/gongo/turnip_formatter/example/spec/features/battle.feature:24
And I attack it
Then it should die
And Fanfare
Scenario: spell magic Feature "Battle a monster" in ./spec/features/battle.feature at 0.002811 sec
  • @magician
Given there is a strong monster
When I cast a spell 'fireball'
And I attack it
Then it should die
And Fanfare
Scenario: normal monster Feature "Battle a monster with weapon" in ./spec/features/battle2.feature at 0.001296 sec
Given I equip a weapon
Given there is a monster
When I attack it
Then it should die
And Fanfare
Scenario: strong monster Feature "Battle a monster with weapon" in ./spec/features/battle2.feature at 0.001104 sec
Given I equip a weapon
Given there is a strong monster
When I attack it
Then it should die
And Fanfare
Scenario: boss monster Feature "Battle a monster with weapon" in ./spec/features/battle2.feature at 0.00097 sec
Given I equip a weapon
Given there is a boss monster
When I attack it
Then it should die
expected: <= 0
     got:    1
  1. ./spec/steps/steps.rb:21:in `block in <top (required)>'
  2. /Users/gongo/turnip_formatter/lib/turnip_formatter/ext/turnip/rspec.rb:12:in `run_step'
  3. ./spec/features/battle2.feature:25:in `block (6 levels) in run'
  4. ./spec/features/battle2.feature:24:in `each'
  5. ./spec/features/battle2.feature:24:in `with_index'
  6. ./spec/features/battle2.feature:24:in `block (5 levels) in run'
  7. ./spec/features/battle2.feature:25:in step:3 `it should die'
20step "it should die" do
21  expect(@monster).to be <= 0
24# gem install syntax to get syntax highlighting
And Fanfare
Scenario: Escape Feature "Battle monsters" in ./spec/features/battle3.feature at 0.001246 sec
  • @escape
Given there are monsters:
When I escape
Then I was able to escape
Scenario: Inescapable Feature "Battle monsters" in ./spec/features/battle3.feature at 0.000881 sec
  • @escape
Given there are monsters:
When I escape
Then I could not escape
Scenario: Escape because he is master Feature "Battle monsters" in ./spec/features/battle3.feature at 0.000806 sec
  • @escape
  • @master_of_escape
Given there are monsters:
When I escape
Then I was able to escape
Scenario: This is a feature with multiline strings Feature "A feature with multiline strings" in ./spec/features/songs.feature at 0.00094 sec
When the monster sings the following song
Oh here be monsters
This is cool
Then the song should have 2 lines
Scenario: This is a feature with multiline strings Feature "A feature with multiline strings" in ./spec/features/songs.feature at 0.000439 sec
When a monster sings the following song
Oh here be monsters
This is cool
No such step(0): 'a monster sings the following song'
  1. /Users/gongo/turnip_formatter/example/spec/features/songs.feature:13
Then the song should have 2 lines

The results for the feature:

Feature Scearios passed failed pending status
Battle a monster 4 2 1 1 failed
Battle a monster with weapon 3 2 1 0 failed
Battle monsters 3 3 0 0 passed
A feature with multiline strings 2 1 0 1 pending

The results for the tab:

Tag Scearios passed failed pending status
@escape 3 3 0 0 passed
@magician 1 1 0 0 passed
@master_of_escape 1 1 0 0 passed
turnip 8 4 2 2 failed

Ranking of running time of each successfully scenario:

Feature Scenario Duration
Battle monsters Escape because he is master 0.000806 sec
Battle monsters Inescapable 0.000881 sec
A feature with multiline strings This is a feature with multiline strings 0.00094 sec
Battle a monster with weapon strong monster 0.001104 sec
Battle monsters Escape 0.001246 sec
Battle a monster with weapon normal monster 0.001296 sec
Battle a monster normal monster 0.002507 sec
Battle a monster spell magic 0.002811 sec